Customer Service – Empowering Your Employees

The customer service team is essentially the face of the company and the first and last impression that the client receives. It is important that there are appropriate actions to take when a customer has a problem that needs to be fixed. One method is allowing your team to take care of the details without requiring management to step in. If front line employees are equipped to manage customer inquiries immediately, your service reputation will increase and your team will feel empowered in their roles. Employee empowerment not only saves you time and resources, but it also builds a sense of confidence in your employees who are essentially one of the strongest aspects of your company!

Think about your own past customer service experiences. Have you heard one of these answers before?

“Sorry, that is not my department I cannot help”

“I will have to speak with my manager who will be in at a later time” Continue reading “Customer Service – Empowering Your Employees”