Are You Closing The Conversation?

Closing the Conversation

The common goal has always been to close the sale, but what about the interaction with your customer? When it comes to the daily interactions you have with your customers –  Are you closing the conversation? The engine that drives your business is your customers and that is why it is an important skill that customer service team members should have.  This does not just mean that you stop and move along once the customer is “ok with everything,” but that you have gone above and beyond to do what you can for them. Continue reading “Are You Closing The Conversation?”

11 Ways to Strengthen Concentration

The ability to focus is a skill – it is not innate. Why do we sometimes have such trouble concentrating?  Distractions as well as the mind and our attitude have a huge impact on our mental stamina to complete a task.
Concentration is the key to economic results
Here are 11 ways to strengthen concentration, even under difficult circumstances: Continue reading “11 Ways to Strengthen Concentration”

The Value of Customer Loyalty Programs

As a business owner one of the most important things you can remember is the value of customer retention. Establishing credibility and building the relationship to a profitable customer requires constant effort. It actually costs 500% more to acquire new customers than keeping your current customers. One reason is the fact that loyal customers are worth more because they actually spend more later on their latter purchases.

Loyalty programs are a great way to retain customers and build relationships with 87% of shoppers saying they want loyalty programs. Consumers are clearly accustomed to being rewarded for their shopping purchases and it has almost become an expectation. The purchasing power of the millennial is especially very strong with  68% of millennials saying that they wouldn’t be loyal to a brand if it doesn’t have a good loyalty program. The fact is that these loyalty programs are the start to a solid relationship with your customers and continuous growth.

Some of the common programs we think of here in Canada are Air-miles, Shoppers Drug Mart and Petro Points. The questions many ask is, should you start loyalty program if you are a small business and will your reward pay off like the large scale programs? The answer is…yes!  Your loyalty program will actually increase your marketing efforts by allowing you to communicate regularly with your current customers who already know you and have built trust with your business. You are then able to reach them at the appropriate times and build the relationship even further. Continue reading “The Value of Customer Loyalty Programs”

Carrot, Egg or Coffee Bean – Which One Are You?

Egg, Carrot, or Coffee bean?

Resiliency in business is extremely important. There is a story I always love to share about a young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She didn’t know how she was going to make it and how she wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling.Every time she solved one problem, a new one arose. Continue reading “Carrot, Egg or Coffee Bean – Which One Are You?”

Creating Above and Beyond Customer Experiences

Customer Service is a sector that should be a priority for improvement and investment. Adequate is not enough anymore and to create a memorable experience a business needs to go “above and beyond” in their method of service. The 2015 Global State of Multichannel Customer Service Report states that 60% of customers have higher expectations for customer service than the year before. Exceeding expectations for your customers can start by practicing the following:

Have a Conversation

A conversational approach creates a much more memorable experience than a transactional approach.  Starting a conversation can build a relationship and make waiting times go by faster. Reaching out to your customers and ask them about their day, recent family adventures or even their pets. Learning as much about a person can help you help them in the future.

Watch Your Competition

Keeping tabs on your competition, their strategies and their processes is a great way to provide a custom service experience on your side. What can you do to make their visit different from other businesses? By going above and beyond with your service it can show just how “average” the competition is. Continue reading “Creating Above and Beyond Customer Experiences”