Fostering a Positive Business Image and Culture

Humor at the meetingHow you conduct yourself in the business world has real-world ramifications on how potential customers perceive you. Large corporations collectively spend billions of dollars curating an image that encourages people to spend their hard-earned money on what they’re selling. With the emergence of social media over the past twenty years, even local and independent businesses take advantage of the exposure they get. While you can put out slick ads and videos to raise awareness of your brand, ultimately the way you conduct yourself and the values you embrace will be the deciding factor for many people. Continue reading “Fostering a Positive Business Image and Culture”

7 Tactics to Beat the Competition

Business Practices

It’s often far easier to rest where you are than to push yourself to the next level. Complacency, however, leads to mediocrity; which almost always leads to disaster. So, if this is true, how can you keep yourself responsive, resourceful, and recharged to keep up with the competitive business environment you are part of? Here are seven tactics to help you move ahead, even while others fall behind:
1. Practice self-discipline versus self-indulgence. Self-indulgence is thinking about how you feel at a given moment, then deciding what action, if any to take and worrying about the consequences later. Self-discipline is thinking first about the consequences; then taking appropriate action, and feeling great about your decision. Think about it this way:
Continue reading “7 Tactics to Beat the Competition”

You Are What You Feed Your Mind

You Are What You Feed Your Mind

“You are what you feed your mind.”

-Dr. Frederick Eikerenkoetter

It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. St. Matthew 4:4 A SCIENCE OF LIVING PRINCIPLE. You will never get any further in life than the ideas in your mind. It is important to feed your mind only right ideas. Continue reading “You Are What You Feed Your Mind”

Handling Difficult Customer Service Situations

Cartoon hand holding sign that reads how to keep the customerHandling Difficult Customer Service Situations

Through the day to day interactions of your business there are many scenarios that can arise in relation to customer service. You will likely find yourself in difficult situation at some point and although a customer may be upset, the main thing they will remember is how you handle yourself.

If you find yourself in one of the following situations know what to do…. Continue reading “Handling Difficult Customer Service Situations”

Customer Service – Empowering Your Employees

The customer service team is essentially the face of the company and the first and last impression that the client receives. It is important that there are appropriate actions to take when a customer has a problem that needs to be fixed. One method is allowing your team to take care of the details without requiring management to step in. If front line employees are equipped to manage customer inquiries immediately, your service reputation will increase and your team will feel empowered in their roles. Employee empowerment not only saves you time and resources, but it also builds a sense of confidence in your employees who are essentially one of the strongest aspects of your company!

Think about your own past customer service experiences. Have you heard one of these answers before?

“Sorry, that is not my department I cannot help”

“I will have to speak with my manager who will be in at a later time” Continue reading “Customer Service – Empowering Your Employees”

Practicing Active Listening With Your Customers

Practice active listening

Hearing is involuntary, but listening is an acquired skill. Listening involves more than noticing noise emitting from a mouth. Simply not listening properly can waste valuable resources and lead to lost customers.  It is especially important in small business where some people wear multiple hats, are chasing deadlines, and moving and speaking fast that their listening is a core competency. Actively learning about listening is the key to keeping customer service levels at their best. Continue reading “Practicing Active Listening With Your Customers”