Top Three Advantages of Video-Conferencing

Businessman video confrencing with colleguesThe business world thrives off of communication. In many instances, the failure of a business can be traced back to a lack of communication between its different divisions, and an inability to execute its mission effectively. Businesses, small or big, need to find an effective option when it comes to communicating with different levels of management. A popular format that many businesses are turning to is video-conferencing.

Video conferencing has been a staple of the corporate since the 1980s, and its use has slowly perfused into the small business across America. If you are convinced that video-conferencing is right for you, the reasons below will help persuade you to make the switch. Continue reading “Top Three Advantages of Video-Conferencing”

Fostering a Positive Business Image and Culture

Humor at the meetingHow you conduct yourself in the business world has real-world ramifications on how potential customers perceive you. Large corporations collectively spend billions of dollars curating an image that encourages people to spend their hard-earned money on what they’re selling. With the emergence of social media over the past twenty years, even local and independent businesses take advantage of the exposure they get. While you can put out slick ads and videos to raise awareness of your brand, ultimately the way you conduct yourself and the values you embrace will be the deciding factor for many people. Continue reading “Fostering a Positive Business Image and Culture”

Your Most Precious Resource is Time – Use it Well

Most precious resource

If you ask a business owner what their most precious resource is, they’ll usually give one of a few answers. Money is the most common, while others say their employees, community, or family. What is less stated is the one resource that can never be replenished or gained back – time. Once you waste your time with something, you can never get it back again. Some busier business owners understand this, but newer ones haven’t yet learned how to utilize their time effectively.

Business owners that don’t have enough time to do things usually have the same problems: they don’t delegate tasks well, they don’t prioritize tasks, and/or they aren’t well-organized in their day-to-day life. These issues are as simple to fix as they are common; most of the time, you only need to make a slight change in how you accomplish or go about completing certain tasks in order to squeeze more productivity in the time that you use. Continue reading “Your Most Precious Resource is Time – Use it Well”

Happy Employees Leads to Higher Profits

Happy employees higher profit

Are your employees just as happy as your customers? When we think of profits we usually associate them with our customers and while they are the mainstream of revenue employees are a major factor when it comes to increasing profits. Focus and invest time into ensuring your customer service team are truly happy with their job and their workplace. Fostering an environment that allows the customer service team to enjoy what they do and excel will translate into a stronger and happier team who want to fulfil customer needs. The quality of life that is provided to employees is one of the greatest factors in how they decide to interact with customers. Continue reading “Happy Employees Leads to Higher Profits”

Create an Excellent Customer Interaction Experience

Customer Interactions are one of the most crucial components of the customer service experience. Overall customer service skills are crucial for any team; however, excellent customer interactions can set your business apart from the competition. To stay competitive in this city a Calgary company must continually work to keep a strong customer base and here are just a few key factors in maintaining that strength:

Customer Service Continue reading “Create an Excellent Customer Interaction Experience”

Customer Service – Empowering Your Employees

The customer service team is essentially the face of the company and the first and last impression that the client receives. It is important that there are appropriate actions to take when a customer has a problem that needs to be fixed. One method is allowing your team to take care of the details without requiring management to step in. If front line employees are equipped to manage customer inquiries immediately, your service reputation will increase and your team will feel empowered in their roles. Employee empowerment not only saves you time and resources, but it also builds a sense of confidence in your employees who are essentially one of the strongest aspects of your company!

Think about your own past customer service experiences. Have you heard one of these answers before?

“Sorry, that is not my department I cannot help”

“I will have to speak with my manager who will be in at a later time” Continue reading “Customer Service – Empowering Your Employees”

Practicing Active Listening With Your Customers

Practice active listening

Hearing is involuntary, but listening is an acquired skill. Listening involves more than noticing noise emitting from a mouth. Simply not listening properly can waste valuable resources and lead to lost customers.  It is especially important in small business where some people wear multiple hats, are chasing deadlines, and moving and speaking fast that their listening is a core competency. Actively learning about listening is the key to keeping customer service levels at their best. Continue reading “Practicing Active Listening With Your Customers”